Thursday, October 7, 2010

Prepare to Be Mind Fucked

So good you think your dreaming

After his unreal blockbuster of the Dark Knight, he is at it again in Inception. Inception is like trying to solve a Sudoku, inside a crossword, and you are suffering Helen Keller syndrome, which doesn’t mean it is bad, it just means if you don’t think well watching the movie you will be as lost as a white guy trying to interrupt the Tzu-Tzu tribe in North Africa.

The story of inception takes place in a theoretical world (or is it) where your dreams can be accessed by other people. It would be hard to explain the entire plot line to you so just go support the industry and watch the movie you won’t regret it.

The movie brought a whole new dimension to environments, at one point in the movie the entire set turns 45 degrees and looked really really really fucking cool. Another scene shows a city that was being slowly being destroyed and one building comes down .... unreal ( of course it was but that it besides the point)

The movie kept a very upbeat, actionish tone, but was still able to keep that necessary for every blockbuster romantic story line and had a hint of humor in it. There wasn't really a point in the movie where I was thinking about something else (it kept me interested)This movie isn't made for you average retard, you need to be able to think and understand.

The one thing that was lacking in this movie was a defined ending, it ends in a cliff hanger, well more like a think hanger, and once you think enough you can figure it out, but it would have been nice to wrap up the characters.

Insomnia, Memento, Batman Begins, The Prestige, The Dark Knight, and finally the crown jewel Inception, calling all thinker... go out and see this movie. The movie is unreal (haha) and says a lot about happiness, and it makes you happy or does it, or does it make you think you are happy, what is happy, are you really aware you are happy, I just can't stop thinking. Happy?

Overall Rating:


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