A Title Filled With Irony
The Informant is about Mark Whitacre ( Matt Damon ) a man who works at a giant agricultural company. Mark Whitacre becomes an undercover agent for the U.S government who is trying to take down this company for price fixing. The movie is quite un-informing to say the least. The movie is split into 2 parts, Boring Part 1 and Good Part 2.
The first half of the movie is extremely painful. The movie was advertised to seem as though it would be a hilarious comedy about a retarded, untrained undercover agent... Which obviously it wasn't. Having a plot line that doesn't really matter and boring main character does not help the anti - climatic first half. The first half of the movie makes you wonder if you should get up and leave the theatre, this would be a total mistake because the second part of the movie is amazing.
Imagine this movie sort of like an atomic bomb, putting it together would be as boring as talking to Helen Keller but once that thing (the atomic Bomb) is in the air it would be like talking to the Beatles.
The second part of the film could be closely paralleled to the Bush administration and how what they told America something different than what was actually happening in Iraq. The first half of the movie is simply meant to setup the second half. The informant character ( Matt Damon )might not be telling the complete truth throughout the first half of the movie. This creates a hilarious character change which causes the whole plot to take a U turn to the world of comedy. The second part of the movie is filled with laugh out loud scenes and funny lines. The constant narrating of Mark Whitarce thoughts throughout the movie is also funny. The second half of the movie is hilarious and worth waiting for.
Overall, The first part of the movie would be something you would expect to be shown at a Japanese enslavement camp as torture and the second part of the movie is the complete opposite making you laugh at every line.
If this movie where to be some sort of math equation it would be:
Unfunny + Uneventful + Anticlimactic = Fucking Hilarious + Ridiculous + Anti- Informant
Overall rating: S-A-B-r-e