Everyone, especially "trekkies,"
will be cumming to this movie!!!
This movie was good. I mean really good. Not like sorta good. Or the "that was okay" sort of good. I mean the " that was amazing" sort of good. You didn't have to be a " trekkie" to see this movie, although if you were a trekkie you would probably "enjoy" this movie even more.
There was a plot, action, twists and romance. And let's just thank god they didn't screw this movie up because there would have been a trekkie riot that would knock the enterprise right out of orbit.
The next thing that needs to be addressed is the music. The music in this movie must have been created by God! (Or Micheal Giacchino but definitley one of the two.) The music was so epic that it could have vibrated the wig off beethoven's head.
The deadly mixture of extreme adrenaline pumping action, epic music and amazing action has created a concoction that would not only raise the numbers at the box office but the amount of blood rushing to certain parts of the body.
To sum it all up even if nobody bought drinks to watch with the movie there would still be sticky stuff on the floor.
live long and prosper