Transformers 2: Revenge Of The Fallen is the prototypical Michael Bay movie. "Let's blow so much shit up and make it CRAZY". Thankfully, Bay didn't try anything new, and stuck to what he knows.
Transformers once again has Shia LaBeouf in the lead role as Sam Witwicky, and Megan Fox as his girlfriend, Mikaela Banes. The movie follows Sam as he travels to college, which to the shallow guy seems to be the best college dorm ever created. Though, his stay there is short-lived as decepticon leader Megatron escapes from containment (Shocker!).
The movie is filled with excessive battle scenes between massive transformers, making for an action filled adventure movie. Though, the plot line could've been written by a 5 year old, then given to a college jock to add in some Megan Fox slow motion run scenes in skimpy clothes, and mega explosions every 10 seconds, Revenge of the Fallen is what it is, an action movie.
For an action movie, it's one that takes advantage of new found technology and excessive CGI, and makes one of the coolest looking movies to date. The technology in the movie is unparalleled, making for an amazing cinematic adventure. Add in a lot of Megan Fox, and you have the best movie Micheal Bay has made since Pearl Harbour, though that's not saying much.
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