Watching Land of the Lost is a bit like trying to laugh while reading the dictionnary... here give it a shot:
adj., bland·er, bland·est.
1. Characterized by a moderate, unperturbed, or tranquil quality, especially:
a) Pleasant in manner; smooth: a bland smile.
b) Not irritating or stimulating; soothing: a bland diet.
c) Exhibiting no personal worry, embarrassment, or concern: told a series of bland lies.
a) Dull and insipid: a bland little drama.
b) Having little or no distinctive flavor: bland cooking.
The biggest difference is that the dictionary isn't trying.
Will Ferrel was once a man famous for his roles in classic comedies like Old School and Anchorman. Now he will apparently act in any movie that throws a dime at him. This movie had zero potential and the fact that Will Ferrell thought that he had something to gain from playing a role in this movie is slightly disturbing.
It has however opened my eyes to how low Ferrell has sunk, I think I may just give him twenty bucks to star in my new comedy:
Get ready for multiple sequels and more entertainment than Land of the Lost.