The tag line of this review doesn't actually work cause it was a good movie, not in the oscar movie way, but in the 'yes!, HAHAHA, OMG!, Ohhh!' way. The movie was a long awaited collaboration of 5 movies over the course of 4 years. The movie is a mixture, of the average high-budget-superhero movie and an interstellar-space-battle-humans-on-the-defense-movie. Loki the weirdo demi-god has decided to steal the tesseract (which is something that has a bunch of energy) and the Avengers are to stop him... obviously. The movie mostly takes place between the avengers trying to work through their egos problems, people dying here and there, and then like a billion aliens, with a weird bunch of giant flying worms trying to once again... kill everyone.
The movie puts on a juggling act trying to give the all the actors even time on screen. Between the heavy-hitters such as Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, and Scarlet Johansson they have to share 143 minutes on screen, which can be no small task, but all actors had their time and their moments (even though the attempt at making Scarlet Johansson character seem like she had an interesting and dark storyline was completely terrible).
The movies plot line was different then most of the other avengers' movies excluding Thor. Thor's movie was much different then the others, cause it didn't really have anything to do with Earth, and was a weird futuristic, space movie. The Avengers combined the Thor outer-space theme with the planet that most people actually give a shit about.
The movie is the epitome of the 'big budget feel' it includes giant explosives, a flying aircraft carrier (that explodes), an insane cast, a out-of-this-world storyline (punny) and of course a happy ending. I bet most people will see it again....
In the end it finishes in the same way that it is meant to, in order to attain a box office, potential for a sequel and of course that being a happy ending.
Overall Rating S-A-B-r-e