Welcome to SABREtooth Movie, The point of this blog is to review movies from the point of view that 99% of the population falls into: the normal-and-wanting-to-be-entertained category. This means no mentions of how artistically beautiful the cinematography was or how subtlety the director used abstract symbolism. Instead you will get more relevant details such as was the movie enjoyable. Reviews will be posted as soon as we've seen the movies and this will continue forever, so enjoy.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Glorious Basterds

Thursday, August 27, 2009
District 9 gets a 10

The movie District 9 is a realistic portrayal of what would happen if aliens landed on earth. The movie isn't full of crazy force fields or the destruction of man kind but the story of Wikus Van De Merwe, a head operative at Multi-National United, who has the exciting task of moving 1.8 million prawns ( aliens ) to District 10. Over the course of the movie action, plot and a little love is shown.
The beginning of the movie was shot in documentary style allowing the viewer to understand the concept of the prawn. The middle was a lot of Sci-Fi intense action scenes. Up to this point the movie was a brilliant movie and then the movie took a international trip from south Africa to America and was added to the melting pot of Americanized movies, which was a little disappointing.
The movie parallels the movie Miracle of life in realism. District 9 gave what seemed like an extremely accurate representation of what life would be like with weird creature walking around. The C.G.I in this movie was so unreal as the concept itself.
It takes a brilliant mind to think of a concept like this. The character of Wikus Van De Merwe was very well done even thought the actor, Sharlto Copley, has only been in a few films made in south Africa. The documentary style of the movie was only shown at the beginning and the end of the movie, but most of the movie was shot in third person.
The movie did have a couple parts that were annoying. When MNU was evicting the prawns is only seemed like a few thousand were actually in the slums when really there is "suppose" to be 1.8 million. The alien ship that hovered over the city of Johannesburg was not being inspected or protected in anyway what so ever and it would seem like maybe the human race would want to know a little about the technology of the "mother ship."
Overall this movie was from out of this world
Overall Rating: S-A-B-R-E