In today's economy saving money is important. Every penny counts, and if you have an opportunity to save $10 you'd be an idiot not to do it. Well here is how you can save ten bucks: DON'T GO WATCH ANGELS AND DEMONS!
If you read the book you will discover that the screenwriters basically said "fuck the actual point of the movie and lets just make a thriller that takes place in the Vatican". I'm about to spoil the movie for you but it shouldn't matter because hopefully you've already made the decision not to go watch the movie.
The whole thing where the Camerlengo gets the vision from god is scrapped, instead he just reasons it out which completely ruins his entire plan. Of course in the movie he doesn't really have a plan he just did it for shits and giggles anyways so it doesn't matter. He doesn't tell the media either in the movie which seems like a bad idea considering he is supposed to be telling his message to the world.
Also not all the preferati are killed, they save one. Very random.
So if you have read the book you will probably find Angels and Demons to one of the worst movies of all time. If you haven't read it, the movie still probably made your all time bottom ten.
For example in the movie the highly skilled assasin corners the two heroes in a dark castle. He has killed multiple people that night already but he decides to let these two geniues off with a warning of: "stop following me." Now I don't care if you are slow six year old or Ron Howard you should still probably realize that this was unbelievably stupid, although clearly the latter didn't. As a side note, after this incidient the killer proceeded to spiderman himself down a wall and then blow up in a car.
Also I have never seen a blockbuster movie take the plot of a book and make it less intense.
I wasted $10 on this movie, so if you're reading this I beg you - Please do not make the same mistake I did.